World Holidays and Villas Directory.
The world's most comprehensive directory of holidays, villas and travel resources.

To add your own site to the directory, just click on the add a site link at the bottom of the relevant page in the directory.

To place a link back to us, either use a text link by highlighting the following code with your mouse, then copy and paste it into the html for your page:-

 <a href="">World directory of Holidays and Villas</a>
<p>The world's most comprehensive directory of holidays, villas and travel resources.</p>

Or enhance your site by choosing a banner or button from those below.

To place this Holidays and Villas button on your site, highlight the following code with your mouse, copy it and paste it into the html for your page, wherever you would like the image to appear.

 <A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="" border="0" ALT="World Holidays and Villas"></A>

To place this Holidays and Villas button on your site, highlight the following code with your mouse, copy it and paste it into the html for your page, wherever you would like the image to appear.

 <A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="" border="0" ALT="World Holidays and Villas"></A> 

World Holidays and Villas

To place this Holidays and Villas button on your site, highlight the following code with your mouse, copy it and paste it into the html for your page, wherever you would like the image to appear.

 <A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="" border="0" ALT="World Holidays and Villas;></A> 

World Holidays and Villas

To place this Holidays and Villas banner on your site, highlight the following code with your mouse, copy it and paste it into the html for your page, wherever you would like the image to appear.

 <A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="" border="0" ALT="World Holidays and Villas"></A> 
