Belgium directory of Holidays and Villas

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World Index : Europe/Western_Europe/Belgium/Wallonia/Liege_province


  • Liege - Regional Choice (77 hotels and resorts including the city of Liege) - Ardennen, Aubel, Balmoral, Basse-Bodeux, Battice, Blegny, Boncelles, Burg-Reuland, Bütgenbach, Cantons de l'Est, Chaudfontaine, Chôdes, Clavier, Comblain-Au-Pont/La Tour, Creppe, Eupen, Francorchamps, Harzé, Herstal, Hautes Fagnes, Hermalle-Sous-Argenteau, Hohes Venn, Horion Hozemont, Huy, Jalhay, Kelmis-La Calamine, La Gleize, Lascheid, Liege, Ligneuville, Louveigné, Luik, Malmedy, Ocquier, Ostkantons, Ouffet, Ouren, Ovifat, Robertville, Saint-Vith, Sourbrodt, Spa, Sprimont, Stavelot, Trois-Ponts, Val Saint Lambert, Visé, Waimes, Wallonie, Warsage, Weywertz, Werbomont, Xhoffraix. (Added: 30-Jun-2007 Hits: 0)

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