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World Index : The_Americas_and_Caribbean/ South_America/ Argentina /Buenos_Aires_Fed_Dist/Recoleta


  • Featured Hotels in Buenos Aires - The best selection in the city. Compare prices, see photos, read guest reviews and more. new (Added: 26-Jun-2007 Hits: 0)
  • Etoile Hotel Buenos Aires **** - Historic neighbourhood, with natural Landscapes, Cultural Centres, Museums, Fun and Leisure centres. Near to Jorge Newberry airport. Visit Palais de Glace, Pilar Church and National Museum. All rooms in the hotel have private balconies. The hotel has a restaurant and wine and cheese bar. Meeting rooms are available for events and receptions. The hotel offers swimming pool and health club, with panoromic view of the Recoleta. (Added: 6-Oct-2004 Hits: 4)
  • Park Chateau Kempinski Hotel Buenos Aires **** - A charming, fashionable, boutique hotel with a collection of antiques. Sumptuous lobby and spacious rooms. Located in the design shops area of Recoleta quarter the hotel is 5 minutes from the financial district. In a luxurious and warm atmosphere, 63 elegant rooms, suites and penthouses. The fashionable Leloir Restaurant at the hotel is the perfect place to start the Buenos Aires night or enjoy an after work happy hour. (Added: 6-Oct-2004 Hits: 4)

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